About Us
Who Am I
Aisecure Inc.: invented the The ONLY Smart Replacement Adams Rite Storefront Door Lock in the world.
Aisecure Inc, with its famous brand EASILOK, its residential deadbolt was highly rated by lock expert on youtube: LockPickingLawyer who has nearly 5 million followers.
Aisecure Inc. was the branch of A-Grade Lock Manufacture (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd, which owned 38 patents in the US and 110 patents around the world.

What We Do
When I saw the children & the older people are hard to lock the door, I felt so sad;
When I saw some people failing to lock the doors because of their unavailable hands, I thought I must do something for them.
I think again & again.
I wanted a lock – a lock to lock my childhood…to lock it in my mind forever;
I wanted a lock – a lock to lock my youth inside…to lock my love in my heart;
I wanted a lock that is always safe and easy to use, no matter what the weather or power is out.
The Best built deadbolt in the world was invented!

How the Idea Came True
By a complete imagination, It took three and a half years in the villa garage for the first product to be developed. After continuous optimization, the model E2 is finally presented perfectly to show consumers.
Based on this basic technology, EASILOK developed a series of mechanical locking keyless systems such as: Storefront Door Lock, Cabinet Cam Lock, Jimmy Proof Door Lock, Glass Door Lock and so on.

The History Development of Lock
- Before 1784: Legend is that Lu Ban invented a wood latch bolt.
- Year 1784: Mr. Joseph Bramah invented the metal key to open the metal lock, thereby achieving a lock that can only be opened with a key and is highly resistant to lock picking and tampering.
- Year 1840: Mr. Linus Yale Jr. invented the cylinder lock, which can only be opened with the correct key.
- Year 1919: Mr. Walter Schlage invented the knob lock, which enables keyless locking by pressing the button on the interior knob.
- Year 2019: Our first smart lock EASILOK was invented!